Posted on February 16th, 2009 at 11:33 PM by aki
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Bókaskrá bókasafns SLÁTUR

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Selected post Feb 16, 2009; 6:20pm

Bókaskrá bókasafns SLÁTUR

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Hér verður birtur listi af þeim bókum sem skráðar hafa verið í bókasafn SLÁTUR.
Við munum reyna að uppfæra hann jafnóðum og bækurnar bætast í safnið.

Selected post Feb 17, 2009; 8:31am

Bókaskrá bókasafns SLÁTUR og ný aðföng

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21 posts

Brilliant Photoshop CS
Steve Johnson;Andy Anderson

The Cambridge companion to John Cage
edited by David Nicholls

Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain
Antonio Damasio

Eðlisfræði 1
Davíð Þorsteinsson

Efnafræði I
Jóhann Sigurjónsson

Efnafræði II
Jóhann Sigurjónsson

ELFA Catalogue 57, 2009

Experimental music
Michael Nyman

Fylki og Jöfnuhneppi

Getting started in Electronics
Forrest M. Mims, III

Learning Python, 3rd Edition
Mark Lutz,

Les Sculptures Sonores: the Sound Sculptures of Bernard and Francois Baschet
François Baschet

Madness and civilization
Michel Foucault

Bart Kosko

The Power of Limits: Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art, and Architecture (Shambhala Pocket Classics)
Gyorgy Doczi

Björgvin Ingimarsson


Stability in Musical Improvisation
Svend Nielsen

Stockhausen Life and Works
Karl H. Wörner

Structural Functions of Harmony
Arnold Schonberg

The structure of atonal music
Allen Forte

Style and idea
edited by Leonard Stein with translations by Leo Black

Tom Friedman (Contemporary Artists)
Bruce Hainley

Two full ears: Listening to improvised music
Steve Day

Two interviews Luciano Berio
with Rossana Dalmonte and Bálint András Varga; translated and edited by David Osmond-Smith

Writings through John Cage’s music, poetry, and art
edited by David W. Bernstein and Christopher Hatch


adieu nr. 21
Karlheinz Stockhausen

HOCH-ZEITEN für Orchester
Karlheinz Stockhausen

Madame Press Died Last Week at Ninety
Morton Feldman

Madrigal 3
Henri Pousseur

Karlheinz Stockhausen

Palais de Mari
Morton Feldman

Summer; string quartet
Christian Wolff

Symphonie op. 21
Anton Webern

Tempi concertati
Luciano Berio


John Cage From Zero
Frank Scheffer, Andrew Culver

John Cage One” and 103

Selected post Feb 17, 2009; 1:14pm

Re: Bókaskrá bókasafns SLÁTUR og ný aðföng

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David Brynjar Franzsononline
Væri ekki ráðlegt að setja upp section fyrir þetta þannig að það sé ekki endalausir póstar heldur bara ein síða með öllum upplýsingum. Kíkji kannski á það seinnipartinn.
Selected post Feb 17, 2009; 9:12pm

Re: Bókaskrá bókasafns SLÁTUR og ný aðföng

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21 posts
Fram að endurbótum mun listinn birtast hér.

adieu nr. 21
Karlheinz Stockhausen

Audible Design
Trevor Wishart

The Book of Linux Music and Sound
Dave Phillips

Brilliant Photoshop CS
Steve Johnson;Andy Anderson

The Cambridge companion to John Cage
edited by David Nicholls

Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain
Antonio Damasio

Eðlisfræði 1
Davíð Þorsteinsson

Efnafræði I
Jóhann Sigurjónsson

Efnafræði II
Jóhann Sigurjónsson

Electronic and Computer Music (Clarendon Paperbacks)
Peter Manning

ELFA Catalogue 57, 2009

Experimental music
Michael Nyman

Formalized Music: Thought and Mathematics in Composition (Harmonologia Series, No 6)
Iannis Xenakis

Föroysk Bindingarmynstur
Hans M. Debes

Fundamentals of Musical Composition
Arnold Schoenberg;Leonard Stein

Fylki og Jöfnuhneppi

Getting started in Electronics
Forrest M. Mims, III

Give My Regards to Eighth Street: Collected Writings of Morton Feldman
Morton Feldman;Frank O’Hara

Het Knopen Handboek
Maria Costantino

Árni Böðvarsson

HOCH-ZEITEN für Orchester
Karlheinz Stockhausen

Hungarian folk dances
György Martin

Improvisation: Its Nature And Practice In Music
Derek Bailey

John Cage From Zero
Frank Scheffer, Andrew Culver

John Cage One” and 103

Learning Python, 3rd Edition
Mark Lutz,

Les Sculptures Sonores: the Sound Sculptures of Bernard and Francois Baschet
François Baschet

Madame Press Died Last Week at Ninety
Morton Feldman

Madness and civilization
Michel Foucault

Madrigal 3
Henri Pousseur

Karlheinz Stockhausen

Bart Kosko

On Sonic Art (Inc. CD)
Trevor Wishart

On the Sensations of Tone
Hermann Helmholtz

Palais de Mari
Morton Feldman

The Power of Limits: Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art, and Architecture (Shambhala Pocket Classics)
Gyorgy Doczi

Björgvin Ingimarsson

Running Linux
Matt Welsh;Matthias Kalle Dalheimer;Lar Kaufman

Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days (4th Edition) (Sams Teach Yourself…in 21 Days)
Jesse Liberty


Stability in Musical Improvisation
Svend Nielsen

Stockhausen Life and Works
Karl H. Wörner

Streymið / La Duré

Structural Functions of Harmony
Arnold Schonberg

The structure of atonal music
Allen Forte

Style and idea
edited by Leonard Stein with translations by Leo Black

Summer; string quartet
Christian Wolff

Symphonie op. 21
Anton Webern

Technique of Orchestration, The
Kent Kennan;Donald Grantham

Tempi concertati
Luciano Berio

Tölvur að starfi
John O. E. Clark

Tom Friedman (Contemporary Artists)
Bruce Hainley

Terry G. Lacy

Twentieth Century Harmony
V Persichetti

Two full ears: Listening to improvised music
Steve Day

Two interviews Luciano Berio
with Rossana Dalmonte and Bálint András Varga; translated and edited by David Osmond-Smith

UNM 2007 á íslandi – Bæklingur Prógramm
Writings through John Cage’s music, poetry, and art
edited by David W. Bernstein and Christopher Hatch

Selected post Feb 26, 2009; 2:25pm

Re: Bókaskrá bókasafns SLÁTUR og ný aðföng

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21 posts
In reply to this post by David Brynjar Franzson
bókaskráin er komin í aðalvalmynd (flipinn “bókasafn” vinstra megin á síðunni.)
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